Thursday, March 04, 2010

NO, NO, NO!!!

So last weekend ended OK with Kieran just eking out a bag of mystery goody. He was good on Sunday as well when we just ran errands. Most of the time he's a great kid. He asks me all the time "Mommy, can I help you?" When I say yes, he says "Hooray! I get to help!" So amazing.

But then there's the other side... the kid that yells NO at the top of his lungs and whines and cries when he doesn't get his way. I'm applying for help. We're consistent, we ask (once he's calm) what the issue was and we talk about it. Sadly, much of his bad behavior is at school. He had a particularly bad day today so much that I'm basically being brought in for a parent-teacher conference. He's THREE. Ken and I are getting to our wits' end. We keep wondering what we're doing wrong. I read up on these issues. I get the same basic advice - be consistent, provide choices, ensure consequences, offer incentives, and make sure everyone's on the same page. We do all that. What are we missing?

This morning I spoke with Miss Margaret. While she agreed it was a bad day yesterday, she thinks it's simply a matter of finding the right combination of incentive/de-centives for Kieran. She knows he's bright (and young for the room) and she seems to have patience for him. We talked for a bit about a few things, and Kieran has been told that if he can't have ONE good day this week (today) he won't get to go to his friend's birthday party this weekend. I feel better having spoken with her that she knows we're trying and we'll be working towards the same goal. Hopefully he'll turn 4 soon....

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