Friday, October 02, 2009

Boobies, Batman and Behaving

So, we're apparently at that stage where Kieran is fascinated by boobies. Yes, I do understand this phase will never end. Kieran continually points at my chest and says "Boobies" making Ken and I snicker as quietly as possible. I'm working with him on what is "fresh" and what is OK. The other night he pointed at my chest and said "One, two. Mommy has two boobies." For a moment I was caught. Do I congratulate him on good counting or talk with him about things that are fresh? (I opted for "good counting!")

While Kieran is all about his Batcave (thanks to Grandma) and loves his Batman jammies, we have had to curtail his cartoon watching. He's been hitting again at school. He had a really bad day earlier this week where he actually kicked another kid who was laying down as he walked by. Ken had a talk with him that night and told him that if Ken heard that he was hitting at school again that he would not be able to watch Batman again for a long time. The next day Kieran hit another kid on the back with a plastic peach. Ken told him no more Batman for awhile. He does understand even if he doesn't like it. I think maybe its OK to play with the figurines but not sure he understands the difference between defending yourself (what Batman does in the cartoons) and just hitting people.

Last night was the first night in a LONG LONG time that Kieran went to bed without coming out of his room again. I'm not sure what we did differently but I'm hoping we can repeat it. Ken & I are also going to start with a star chart for small chores and behaving well. Enough stickers will get him selected treats (going to the Science Center, maybe a Bag of Mystery with stuff from the dollar store, who knows, we'll think of something). As he grows older (OMG he's nearly 3) and understands more, I want to be sure he contributes around the house. He can help me pack his bag a little bit. Yesterday he asked "Mommy, did you pack my fruit strip?" I had been forgetting to pack it every other day (FYI, that day I had forgotten). Anyway, I'm thinking that with a little help from me, he can pack his own lunches and do small things like feed Ochi. We'll see how it goes. I'm really excited about it. OK, back to work. Love to all.


Katie said...

Let me know how the chore chart goes. We want to do that with our kids too, we're just not sure how early to start.

Jana G said...

Will do. Got the recommendation from a few people when I asked about the bedtime issue. We'll see.

Katie said...

Wow! I didn't know you could do checked boxes for reactions! That's pretty cool, I think I'm going to do it on my blog, too!