Wednesday, October 07, 2009

On Our Way

House goes up on the market tomorrow. We'll be on our way to Ohio at that point, Ken & I are keeping our fingers crossed on what we might be able to get.

Kieran continues to be amazing, wonderful and full of himself. I'm trying to say no to him more often simply so he does not always get his way. He's becoming a bit too bossy for my taste, though he will always change a demand into a question if you say "Are you telling or asking?".

OK, just a quick post today, hopefully more photos to come soon. Love to all, and somebody please BUY OUR HOUSE.


Katie said...

You're not actually moving to Ohio? You're just visiting, right? Now I'm confused.

Jana G said...

No, we are not moving to Ohio. We were just visiting. We'll be moving to the burbs once we can sell our house.