Had a great long Thanksgiving weekend with much family ado. No photos yet but hopefully soon. Internet should be fixed at home Friday or early next week (we're canceling Verizon and going back to Cavtel, cross your fingers).
Thanksgiving Day saw us putting Kieran down for an early nap (2pm is the time for my Uncle Gary's traditional crazy big and good feast) and he was not happy about waking up. He took a little while to warm up to everyone, but once he did... well, let's just say he puckered up and gave everyone a kiss goodbye. I think my favorite was when he played with my cousin Jarrard who sat down on the floor to get him to run over. Jarrad thought Kieran didn't like him because he hit him and laughed. I had to explain that this was a sign of affection.
Friday was actually a little quiet. Kieran and I went to go visit Oma and Opa (that's Mutti and Poppop - my mom's folks) for a little bit. When we got back Kieran napped and we brought out the tree. When Kieran got up we all decorated the tree together. It was fun and we had cookies and hot chocolate. Kieran enjoyed his cookie - probably more than I'd like him to but I can't blame him. Cookies are tasty.
Saturday we went to the Science Center in the morning to let him run around. As always we had a breakdown when it was time to leave the water play area. He quickly recovered and we all had lunch before heading home. Another nap and then off to dinner with Oma, Opa, Uncle Andy, Aunt Wendy, Zack, Becca and Pete. Kieran did very well at the restaurant and had fun playing with his cousins.
Sunday he was a bit congested and coughed a lot that morning so, although we were scheduled to go to a baptism, I stayed home and Ken went. (sorry Stacy, Matt & Patrick!) Kieran and I played, watched some TV, played some more and basically just had a nice lazy, rainy indoor day.
Now, I'm in Vegas for a trade show. I'm beat (didn't sleep well) and looking forward to coming home. I can't wait to see everyone for the next big shindig.