Monday, May 19, 2008

Sugar Rush

We had a good weekend just hanging out. We went to Wine in the Woods on Saturday and the Aquarium on Sunday.

Sunday morning we had breakfast at the Cheesecake Factory (since we hadn't gone to the grocery store just yet) and Kieran's breakfast was french toast, strawberries and bacon. Well, the strawberries had a syrup on them (had I known I would have requested they leave that off) and our little man LOVED it. Dipped a piece of french toast in it. Then proceeded to run like mad around the aquarium. Ken and I looked at each other and agreed - as little sugar as possible for this kid. He is naturally active and doesn't need the extra boost.

OK, that's all to report. Blog again soon.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm glad to hear that you're all doing well! I'm with you on the sugar. Mabel will be getting as little as possible herself...