Friday, November 02, 2012

My Little Goblins

While Halloween is over, I know I have been frighteningly lax in keeping up the blog. If only someone had told me how hard it would be to keep up with two kids... oh wait. Nevermind.

Amelia continues to grow and amaze. She's got a few words but they are pretty much indistinguishable from her babble. She is quite content to give you full details about an object, her day, or life in general. Just don't expect to understand a word she says. She'd probably walk more if we set her down, but when we're trying to keep up with Kieran, I admit it's easier to have her in the stroller or in our arms.

Kieran amazes me. Just last night we were talking about the word 'reflective'. He was able to give me a great description (when light hits something and bounces off). I'm still not entirely sure about school this year. I feel like progress there is a lot slower than he would otherwise go. He is content with it, however, so we're reserving judgement until his report card comes in. Which may be today or early next week.

We weathered Sandy well. Worst part is that Devin (new puppy) would not go outside and so we were constantly cleaning up after him while trying to keep two kids entertained in this small house. It is times like that when I do wish for a bigger house in the burbs. But, after the storm, there was trick-or-treating. City Halloween ROCKS. People sit on their front steps if they have candy and in an hour kids can hit nearly 100 houses. It was cold but clear and the kids had fun. The only thing that seemed to scare Mia was the scream masks.

OK, I gotta go get Kieran ready for school and walk the dog one more time. Love to all blog again when I remember. (sorry!)

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