Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Elmo Must Die

Amelia gave me an entire week of sleeping through the night. Then she stopped - just when I thought we were on to something with the earlier bedtime. She is sleeping better overall, with only 1-2 wake ups each night at most. But when she's up after 3:30 AM, I run the risk of her being awake for the day. Which is why Elmo must die.

She was up at 3:40 - but she had gone to sleep early that night, maybe 7:15 or 7:30. So I knew that there was a possibility that she was awake for good. But no, after feeding she seemed relaxed enough for me to put her back in her crib. Then  I stepped on something fuzzy - Tickle Me Elmo.

"Hehehe. That tickles a little." Said Elmo.

Amelia's eyes opened then closed again. I put her in her crib.

"Tickle Elmo again." said Elmo.

Her head came up. I rubbed her back and she put her head back down.

"OK, tickle Elmo later." said Elmo.

That did it. Amelia was up, smiling and looking to play.

"Eff you, Elmo." I whispered.

The end of the story is that I went upstairs and told Ken it was his turn. It was 5:30 at this point, which means I probably slept while she fed. He gave me another 2 blissful hours of sleep. I have yet to forgive Elmo.

That is all for now. Will blog again eventually.

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