Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mommy Brain

Quick one for you. Though Amelia is doing better this week than she has for the past few weeks (last night she was up only once, at midnight, and slept until 6 AM) I am having trouble with keeping my mind where it needs to be.

Case in point - this morning. Ken took Amelia to daycare, so I was with Kieran, getting him ready for school. I'm frantically packing his lunch, packing my bags, generally getting us ready. I look up at the clock and it's time to go.

We walk to school talking about what makes fog, the caterpillars in his classroom, etc. We get to the street next to his school and there is no crossing guard. I look around - there are no other kids in uniform out. Starting to worry that school is somehow closed (maybe their A/C is out?) and I didn't get the message, we keep walking. Then I stop short - it's not 7:30, but 7 AM. I look at Kieran and tell him my mistake.

Then we head home laughing about Mommy's mix-up.

We get home, I get a cup of coffee and 20 minutes to relax. Kieran gets a 2nd cereal bar. When I tell him its time to go he looks at me and asks "Mommy - are you sure?"

I smile and say "Yes" but secretly check the clock on the wall to verify.

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