Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Maybe Next Time

Amelia turned 8 months old yesterday. To celebrate, she woke up only once last night. I promise not to get used to it.

Kieran has not been doing well at school. He's had many days on red (parent note) and yesterday his aftercare program basically asked us to try to not bring him in today (though given the short notice, they understood that it was not an option). Ken & I agree that what he wants is to not be in aftercare but to have some time with me and/or Ken one-on-one so to take him out of the afterschool program is rewarding him for bad behavior. But it's definitely bad when you're asked to have your kid take a day to 'think about things'.

Last night was even worse. I made Kieran write lines (I will not be bad. I will listen.), no TV, lost a toy, no dessert and no vitamins (gummy kind so they are a treat). And I made a dinner I knew was not tops on his list. During dinner he was playing and I asked him to stop (repeatedly) this goes on most dinnertimes and is very frustrating. Ken told him that if he could not stop playing he could just take his butt upstairs. To which Kieran replied "You've got a big butt." (later he confessed he thought Ken said that he could take his big butt upstairs) At which point he was sent directly to bed. Do not pass go, do not get any bedtime stories. One hour early. It's the harshest we've been on him. I hope that he got the message. I'm tired of being parent to the child who is constantly in trouble.

The flip side of this is that all the teachers agree that he can be a sweet, loving child. That he is forthright and honest about his errors, but he is also defiant when he has made up his mind. I am really hoping for a good report on today.

In other news, Amelia has begun to pull up on things at school. Which means we really need to lower her crib this weekend. And I have to buy a step so I can reach her once it's lowered. Yes, I really am that short.

Love to all, blog again soon.

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