Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Stats - Year 4

Kieran had his four year doctors appointment yesterday. He did GREAT with getting shots, though he's told me he doesn't want to do it again. I have tried to explain that I would not ask him to do it if it wasn't important - he's not buying it.

He's managed to jump to the 25th percentile for weight and height. Weighing in at 30 lbs 6 oz he's still too small for a booster seat but he's 3 ft and 1 1/4 inches tall so he may need to switch from the carseat we've got as his head goes above the back.

His vocabulary is ever-growing. Sometimes he'll ask for the definition of a word, sometimes he'll just fake it. Don't know which I like more. He's also very into helping. Today I brought his clean laundry down to his room and, without being asked, he started to put his clothes away. He doesn't know how to fold yet so I had to go back and help, but he was very happy that he knew where things went.

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