Friday, July 09, 2010

Our Little Fish

After I introduced Kieran to our local pool, he's decided he wants to live there. The past two weeks, after swim class on Saturday, we went to our pool and spent about 2-3 hours there. For the holiday weekend, we also spent Monday at my brother's local pool (4 hours).

On Tuesday he mentioned his ear hurt. He had said something last week but seemed to have forgotten it in the excitement of seeing his cousins. When he insisted his ear still hurt on Thursday, I took him to the doctors. Yep - Swimmer's Ear. So, drops in the morning and evening for his ear, pain medication to help him sleep through the night the next few nights and he should be right as rain next week.

Of course, this means he is not able to go to swim class this week, nor is he allowed to enjoy water play day (today) at school, and we have to be very careful of his ears during bathtime. My biggest fear is that this experience will turn him off of swimming when he'd been doing so well. Hopefully he will prove me wrong.

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