Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Conversations with Kieran

Last night we had two very fun conversations. The first while he was on the potty.

Kieran: Where's Daddy?
Me: Daddy's at Kendo.
Kieran: I want to do Kendo.
I smile, I know that Ken is going to LOVE hearing this.
Me: When you're bigger.
Kieran: I am bigger.

Later that night, after he was laying in bed, we were talking about our day. We always say our favorite thing about the day before he goes to bed.

Me: My favorite thing today was....listening to Kieran sing "Go for G".
He smiles.
Me: What was your favorite thing today?
Kieran: My favorite was...tea!

It was so funny because I saw the wheels turning in his head, actually reviewing what he liked about the day. Last night was his first drink of tea. He's had a cough and I gave him some hot tea (well, OK, warm) with a lot of honey in it to coat his throat and it was supersweet. He loved it and asked for seconds (and thirds). He's coughing less today than yesterday, so there's that. Gotta go, love to all blog again soon.


Kikentai Triathlon said...

That's my boy. I'm so going out and buying him a sword.

Ben said...

Totally cute...his misses his daddy.

Here's a funny one for you.

Me: "Look Mabel, an airplane!"
Mabel: looking to the sky, "Where's it going?"
Me: "I don't know, where IS it going?"
Mabel: "...the airport?"