Thursday, July 16, 2009

Terrible 2s... 6 more months to go

Kieran officially turns 2 1/2 tomorrow. Wow. So amazingly fast. Everyone says it but, just, wow.

And the hits just keep on coming... I mean that literally. Kieran has been hitting me, generally lashing out when he's pissed at something I am telling him he cannot do (or should do). Most of the time he's fine but then, all of a sudden, Mohammed Ali shows up where my adorable child once stood. So, time out on the sofa and I leave the room. This should be the end of it, right?

Oh, no. My child FOLLOWS me into the next room and raises his arm to hit me again. When I dodge him and he falls on his ass, I try very hard not to laugh or make any noise of triumph as I scoop him up and dump him back on the sofa to finish his time out, crying or not. I have a feeling that I am either not doing something right (I'm going to be doing some research this weekend) or that many toddlers go through a stage like this and I just have to stay the course. For now, staying the course it is. Suggestions welcome.

1 comment:

Mezoff-Monjan Family said...

Hi Jana
I don't have any suggestions but would love to know the solution as we will face the terrible two years :)
good luck!