Thursday, November 14, 2013

And Another Two Weeks Have Gone By

In which I haven't blogged. I thought things were slowing down and they are, somewhat. I still have a lot of little things to do, but nothing like before.

Kids are good, though Amelia has a cold and continues to wake up at night a lot. I spoke with one of my co-workers who has a daughter Mia's age. He said his daughter also is waking up a lot - because she's starting to make connections about being alone, having dreams, shadows bothering her. His daughter, however, shares a room with her older sister and so wakes up her parents less. Though Kieran sleeps like I do (that is to say, like a rock most of the time) I would not want him to have to share a room with his sister.

So, for now, we suffer. I know in the future I'll look back on these times with fondness (or wonder - as in "I wonder how I remained awake after sitting with her for 3 hours in the dead of night?") because right now - they need us. It's nice to be needed.

Kieran and I have tomorrow off and we're going to visit the place we want to hold his birthday party. If all goes well, we'll get his fundraising site posted tomorrow as well. Looking forward to just some me-and-Kieran time.

OK gotta get back to it. Love to all, will try and blog again soon.

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