Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mia and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Checkup

OK, I don't mean that the doctor found anything wrong. So for those who were freaking out from the title, you can stop now.

No, I mean that after she was measured (standing up against the wall!) and weighed (standing up on the scale!) we went into the doctor's office. The nurse came over to measure her head circumference. And this set my girl off. She screamed and cried. The ENTIRE visit. It was hard to even hear the doctor over her crying.

She is doing fine, she's hitting all the right developmental milestones. She's got at least 20-25 words in her vocabulary, she's putting 2-3 words together, she can stack blocks, she can climb and go down stairs. All the things they look for. The sobbing stopped entirely by the time I hit the elevator. I don't know if she remembered the shots she got last time (no shots this time) or if she was grumpy from waking up early from her nap. Whatever it was, she was done when we left.

Her stats are relatively unchanged. 50th percentile for weight, 25th percentile for height and 5th percentile for head circumference.

She is also starting to ask to go to the potty so I am tentatively excited about the prospect of not needing diapers in another 6 months. But, I don't want to jinx it and she only goes to the bathroom on the potty every 3rd or 4th time so....we'll see.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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