Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baby Girl Gauvey. Coming July 2011

So, here's the full story. My blood test results came back 'slightly elevated' (for AFP), which meant there was the possibilty of neural defect or an open spine issue with the baby. My sonogram revealed none of this (though the kid is currently sitting breech and we didn't get to see her tush) so the baby is fine.

We did learn the baby is a girl, that she is on track for a 7/11/11 due date, and that we may have a name picked out (which I will not post anywhere until she is born and I'm not 100% on anyway). Kieran is actually starting to get excited about being a big brother to a little sister, even though he had said he wanted a brother. I think when we mentioned that Becca and Morgan are little sisters to big brothers, he started to get on board.

What does the testing mean from here on out? Just that they will be monitoring me a bit more closely than they would otherwise do. I'll get more sonograms than I might otherwise have gotten (next one scheduled for 3/9) and overall just different tactics of watching what's going on with the pregnancy.

Again, I am fine, the baby is fine. The chances of something being wrong at this point are slim so don't worry - I'm not.

Now, some images of the baby.

1 comment:

Katie said...

That's wonderful news Jana! So happy to hear things are moving along. Keep taking care of yourself!