Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No drug tests, please

Monday morning Kieran had a bump above his eye. Given that he woke up with hives on Sunday, I assumed it was another hive, gave him some Benadryl and sent him on his way.

Tuesday morning he woke up with an eyelid so swollen he could barely see out of it. Off to the doctor (again), who determined it was not a stye or an infection but a bug bite. He prescribed some steroids and off we to school we went. I dropped Kieran off at daycare (I had the day off) and went to fill his prescription. I went back to daycare, gave Kieran his medicine, and ran a few errands. I got a lot more done than I thought possible, considering I was going to take all day to do what I got done in 2 hours.

That night we went to the Howard County Fair where we met up with Bubie, Zadie, Aunt Wendy and the cousins. Kieran had a great time (even though it was hot and Zadie made a few Quasimodo jokes at his expense) we pet baby animals, watched the cousins go on a few rides, and had a pig scare the crap out of Kieran (not on purpose, but Kieran was next to the stall saying hi to the pig when the pig oinked, loudly, at him).

Today his eye is much better, though I almost left this morning without giving him his dose. I'm starting to worry that he enjoys medicine. I gave him a dose and he said "More medicine please!" God bless the person who was bright enough to realize that adding a bit of flavoring to any medicine will help kids take it. But now I know I'm going to need locked medicine cabinets since he doesn't quite understand the reason for medicine. The steriods are making him hungrier than usual but that's about it, no other adverse side effects. Good thing they're working but I think we'll keep him from organized sports for a few days, until the drugs have run their course. :-)

1 comment:

jenna said...

hi jana, you won the giveaway for the cook book "vegetables get the royal treatment" please send me your mailing addy by wed. aug 19th. If I haven't heard from you by then I will draw another winner. jenna AT foodwithkidappeal dot com.