Monday, March 15, 2010


Wow, is he ever. Now that he's listening he's also very engaged in conversation and play-acting more than ever before. His favorite pretend? That he is a cat.

One day after we had finished talking with Ken on the drive home, he wanted me to call Grandma. Then Bubie. Then G'ma. Then Uncle Andy. Then Miss Wendy (that's my girlfriend from college, not to be confused with Aunt Wendy). Then we ran out of people to call.

Every night on our way home we call Ken and Kieran gets very upset if he doesn't get a chance to tell Dad about his day (usually when I call he's eating his on-the-way-home snack). It's so fun to hear some of the great stories he tells.

His favorite part of the day today? Daddy came into his room tonight pretending to be a cat. Ken then let Kieran ride him around the room horsey-style all while meowing loudly. Honestly, it was my favorite part of the day too.

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