Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Token Jew (and Gentile)

Ah, the first night of Hanukkah. Somehow it was also Ken's firm's holiday party - why in a firm full of Jews they decided to have it then I'm not entirely sure. But hey, Ken and I got a night out together, so there's that. In his department I think Ken is the only gentile, which I find funny for no particular reason.

Kieran is the only Jew in his daycare class. Its a pretty integrated daycare (which we like), so it was a strange realization. I offered to bring in our menorah and then volunteered to go and do the first night's "lighting" of the menorah. There is truthfully nothing funnier than watching two and three year olds wandering around, fighting over craft sticks (our "candles") and basically not really paying attention when the teacher is trying to corral them. I knew what I'd gotten myself into and didn't get upset when only one or two kids paid attention while we "lit" the candles.

Kieran is having a great time with Hanukkah. Many thanks to my sister-in-law who bought us a decoration that has pockets in it for each night. After we light the menorah, Kieran goes to his pocket and opens a gift. They're small gifts but he's excited by them. This weekend we'll do family festivities and that will be a lot of fun watching him with his cousins and my cousins' kids.

Ken is very big on Santa and I asked Kieran last night if he knew who Santa was. He said "Yes. B-I-N-G-Santa." (At school they did S-A-N-T-A to the tune of "Bingo".) I asked if he knew what Santa did. He said "Santa brings toys." I mentioned that Santa only brings toys to boys and girls who are good. When asked if he had been good this year, Kieran spent a quick second in reflecting and then gave an emphatic head nod.

I can't argue with him.

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