Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Post #250

Wow, I'm zinging right along here. This will be quick. Just wanted to fill you in on the doctor's appt from today.

Doctor thinks it may be allergies (something Ken and I have suspected may be causing it). We'll have him take Zyrtec for a week. If that helps, we're good. If it doesn't, I have a prescription for Singulair. We're also going to have to get an Xray of his lungs and bloodwork done. The doctor does not expect to see anything in either of those, they are more to cover bases and be 100% sure.

So, I'll let ya'll know what we find out.


Kikentai Triathlon said...

Yeah, you forgot to mention that I'm the one who has to take my little man to get the blood work done.

Jana G said...

Uh, that's a DUH. Whyever would I subject Kieran to my phobia. Jeez...

Katie said...

Aww! Poor Kieran... and poor Daddy!