Thursday, November 29, 2007

Almost Home

I am missing Ken and Kieran something fierce. Ken's been doing just fine without me, though Kieran got up at 4am today and didn't go back to sleep. Ken's taking a half day to run a few errands (more baby food, more formula) and to pick up Kieran early.

Ken also was able to post some photos for me while I was gone. You can check them out here. These are a few of my favorites:

On the left you can see what everyone keeps telling me - that Kieran looks just like Ken. They are wearing a nearly identical expression and its just priceless. On the right is Kieran playing with the walking toy I picked up at the TotSwap. He's having a great time with it (even though he did lose his shoe).

OK - love to all, blog again soon. I'll be home soon!!!! (can you tell I'm excited about that?)

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