Thursday, September 06, 2007

Moving On

He may not prefer it, but our little one knows how to crawl. Yesterday Ken picked Kieran up from daycare and was just amazed at how he was sitting there, playing with a book then got up, went over to the toy shelf, pulled himself up and got a different book, sat back down and began playing again. He's becoming a little boy right before our eyes.

Labor Day Weekend

Had a wonderful time getting together with my grandparents (mom's side), my brother and his family and my mom. Every year for the past 10 or so years my grandparents have rented a place for the week of Labor Day down in Ocean City, MD. We all come down and stay with them for the Labor Day weekend and head home on Monday. As the family has grown (have I mentioned my brother's 3 kids?) it's gotten harder and harder to fit everyone in the place they rent, even though it has 3 bedrooms. This year we were fortunate enough to have a friend loan us her place in Salisbury, which is about a half hour away from Ocean City.

The drive down was HORRIBLE. Kieran was asleep before 7pm and we tried to get him to sleep in his car seat. That went over like a lead balloon. He cried for the first 25 minutes of the trip. At which point I gave in, went into the backseat and calmed him down (he cried for an additional 10 minutes) and got him to sleep. He would wake up periodically and would need to be calmed down. (this means that any long trips are out for at least a little while).

Weather was beautiful all weekend - about mid-eighties and not humid at all. We were the first ones there (having left Friday night) and went to Ocean City early on Saturday to walk around. We showed Kieran the ocean and let him put his toes in it, which he liked. He absolutely loved putting his feet in the sand, but then he wanted to lean down and touch it (and eat it, I'm sure) so we had to leave the beach. Sunday we came down and tried the Ocean thing again - this time in his little swimmy diaper (yes, they make diapers for babies to swim in). The water was very cold and he didn't like it at all. But we got to see dolphins in the wild, so that helped make up for it. He did, however, seem to be OK with the pool later on (water was warmer there). He wasn't entirely sure about it, but he didn't cry or look upset.

Kieran's cousins loved getting his attention and keeping him entertained. This was great, except that his nap schedule got completely out of whack. He managed to do a bit better on Monday at home.

OK, that's it. Gotta get back to work. Just wanted to do a quick lunchtime blog. We did do photos on Sunday and Saturday so I will have more posted soon. We've stuck with Camera day for two weeks now Whoo Hoo! Go Us!

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