Thursday, August 02, 2007

Raspberry Boy

The follow-up appointment for his tongue-tie went well, looks like no further medical intervention will be necessary. Even if it is, we won't know that until he's 2 yrs old at least. Dr. German said his tongue-tie was not an issue anymore, that he had good mobility with his tongue and that since he can suck well and eat well, he's not concerned. Language issues won't arise for another year or so.

All seems to be good, he's back on formula and eating VERY well. I think we may be back on a good schedule today - all week has been somewhat messed up (Monday I was sick, Wednesday was a Doctors appointment, yesterday we had to go get Ken at night...). We got up extra early (Ken's clock thought it was an hour later than reality) but we got to daycare in a timely fashion and I got to spend some time with him, feeding him and whatnot.

He loves to blow raspberries. Just like my kid. Unfortunately, he also likes to do this while being fed. This morning I was using the lid of his bowl as a shield so he could blow all the rice cereal he wanted, and it wouldn't get on me. It worked for awhile, then he decided that spraying the room was much more fun than the lid of his bowl. At least he knows what's funny.

He's still trying new foods, we're now into mixed foods - Squash and corn; Bananas, apples and strawberries; Peas and carrots, etc. Still hasn't met a food he doesn't like. I've heard that this may go away as he gets older and that he'll start to not like foods that he once ate. I guess only time will tell.

OK enough chatting with you all - back to work for me!

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