Friday, June 15, 2007

Dang It, I'm Tired!

So this single parenting gig sucks ass. Kieran went to sleep last night at 6:30 pm. A little early for him but not bad. I went to bed at 8:30 figuring I'd be out by 9 or 10 and then would get a decent night's sleep since I knew he'd be up early. His normal snoozing lasts from 7pm - 6am (yes, I know exactly how lucky I am right now).

At 3 am I heard him just kinda making noise. He wasn't upset or crying just babbling/grunting. By 4 am he sounded upset so I went in there and fed him. Tried to put him back down at 4:30 am, thinking I might be able to get one more hour of sleep before I had to be up. For 20 minutes he just sat there grunting and he started to sound grumpy again. I went in his room, turned on the mobile, figured I was up for the day so took my shower. At the end of my shower I notice the monitor is awfully quiet. Little bugger fell back asleep!

I went downstairs, cleaned up a bit, got his stuff ready for daycare and watched some TV (I've been averaging maybe an hour a day before I just get too tired and head to bed). I gave him a half hour and went upstairs again at 6am with a bottle in hand. Took me 5 minutes to wake him up (he was pretty well sound asleep) and I had to turn on some additional lights to get him moving.

Yes, I am very much ready for Ken to be home now. He's trying to get an earlier flight out on Sunday (originally not scheduled to be home until after Kieran was in bed) so he can spend at least some of his Father's Day with the munchkin. I can't tell you how happy I am that we have daycare this week. I think if I had to entertain him all day and be this tired, I'd just lose it.

Now a Father's Day shout-out!

Happy Father's Day Dad!
You have taught me that screaming at the top of my lungs is only OK at an Orioles game.

Happy Father's Day Poppop!
I have learned that you trust me, but you just don't trust me :-).

Happy Father's Day Andy!
You helped me understand that a punch in the arm is a sign of love from boys.

Love to all. Blog again soon.

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