Friday, April 13, 2007

The Wiles of Women

Just found out that Darleen (aka Bubbie) gave us an extra boost on dad's old car. She convinced him to get it fixed for us before giving it over. So - thanks Dar! Not paying for repairs is VERY helpful. It was a nice birthday gift.

My wiles are proving useful on Kieran who seems to see me at night and think "dinner"! It's not as flattering as, say, getting a smile because he likes me - but for now I guess I'll take it.

He's becoming a good sleeper - meaning long stretches at night - but he still hates napping. We're going to keep working at it (and by we I mean Ken) and see what we can do. We may have to Ferberize his little tush when he's 6 months. We'll see. At least Ken and I can sleep in the same bed now - which is better than it was.

OK back to my crazy week at work. I'm so thankful it's Friday (even if it is the 13th).

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