Sunday, December 10, 2006

Bad News and Good News

My appointment on Friday did not go as I had planned. I wanted them to give me the same quick once-over I'm used to and send me on my merry way. So, yeah, that didn't happen.

They found some white blood cells in my urine, which may mean an infection (at best) and pre-eclampsia (at worst). My blood pressure is fine and I'm not suffering any of the other symptons of pre-eclampsia so that's probably not an issue. I need to go and get a culture done at the lab either on Monday or Tuesday.

I saw an OB/GYN this time around (we have just been seeing the RN/Midwife) because I wanted to talk with him about circumcision. He was concerned about my size (I'm on the small side, but I'm only 5 feet tall for crying out loud) so on Tuesday I'm going back in for an ultrasound. They want to do an estimate of fetal weight.

We won't know much more until Tuesday and possibly longer as I'll have to wait on the results of the culture from the lab. I should have just gone over to the lab on Friday but I was so upset by the appointment and hungry as I hadn't eaten much all day that I figured I'd skip it. The doctor was not as concerned about the culture as he was about my size and figuring out if the little guy was getting big enough.

For now, I'm completely freaked - Ken is being a huge hero and keeping his head on straight understanding that the doctor is likely just being cautious. Hormones are not helping me on this one. One minute I'm completely fine and am not sweating it at all. The next I'm freaked beyond belief and am certain that we have somehow "jinxed" ourselves by having the nursery and everything else done and ready now.

I'll blog again once we know more. I also have a sneaking suspicion that they may have not gotten my initial due date right and I'm earlier along than we think (rather than being 33 weeks, maybe I'm really only 32 or 31). Anyway - we'll find all that out on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


DO NOT FREAK!!! They estimated Sammi to be really big and swore that I would be unable to deliver her natural. This was after the ultra-sound. She turned out to be only 7pounds and 14 oz. Remember, they are just guessing. You are small so the little guy is small.

Love ya,