Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Dear Kieran...

I've got a lot to complain about, you know. Being this much bigger, constant trips to the bathroom, and waking up just to turn over. And I complain a lot about being pregnant. Especially on this blog.

But I wanted Kieran to know that even with all this going on, with a looming needle (this weekend), labor (still freaking me out beyond belief) and ensuring our house is in order for a baby - I'm still pretty excited about meeting him. I wonder what type of person he'll be. If he'll get my dad's blue eyes and Ken's dark skin. Or maybe he'll get my stuborness and Ken's impulsiveness.

Whatever - or whoever - he turns out to be, I know we'll love him. It won't always be easy. I'm sure there were several times when my folks wanted to strangle me. And many more times when I thought my parents were completely in the wrong. But there will always be love and support.

Why am I writing this up on my blog? Well, we have a baby book and it includes an area for Ken and I to each write a letter to Kieran. I wanted to start thinking about this but I also wanted to invite all of you to write a little something as well. What do you wish for Kieran?


Anonymous said...

Impulsiveness? Impulsiveness!!???! IMPULSIVENESS???!!!!??? Oh, right. Yeah. Never mind.

Anonymous said...

My wish is for Kieran to be healthy...and to learn how to sneak out of the house without being detected by age 14, so mom and dad don't ever have to worry :-)

Anonymous said...

My wish for this bundle of joy is that he drives his parents crazy for the first 18 years and then comes to Ohio and goes to OU where his Aunt Micki will keep a close eye on him while he parties and meets the girl of his dreams.