Tuesday, December 04, 2012

What I Love About My Kids

Since it is the time of year to reflect on the things you have and are grateful for, I figured I'd stop grousing about the crap the kids do that annoy me so much and focus on what I love about them.

When they smile, laugh or giggle I join right in.

When they play together, even with the age difference.

Kieran is an amazing big brother. I expect him to be completely and utterly over-protective. Future boyfriends will likely have more to fear from Kieran than Ken. (though Ken may debate that)

Amelia loves to imitate. Whether it's mimicking Kieran, 'reading' a book, or tickling the dog (or her own belly), she is learning by doing - and that's amazing.

They both love to help. Kieran actually wants to help put his clothes away. Granted, it usually helps him delay bedtime by a few minutes, but still...Mia wants to help by being held by you while you try to do whatever it is that needs done. Doesn't really help but she feels involved, I think.

Kieran telling me about his day, honestly.

Amelia, trying to see and touch everything around her.

Their big hearts.

Ken, we have made amazing kids. I hope we can help them be wonderful adults (someday in the FAR future).